RiskChallenger Experience Day - Risk Leadership, Culture and Awareness
Op donderdag 28 november 2024 vond de vierde editie van de RiskChallenger Experience Day plaats. Deze editie stond het evenement in het teken van Risicoleiderschap, Bewustwording en Cultuur. Het Centraal Ketelhuis in Amersfoort, gelegen op de historische Wagenwerkplaats, vormde het sfeervolle decor voor deze inspirerende avond. Ruim 40 deelnemers van verschillende organisaties kwamen samen om kennis te delen, inspiratie op te doen en waardevolle verbindingen te leggen.
November 29, 2024, Amersfoort
The fourth edition of RiskChallenger Experience Day took place at Centraal Ketelhuis in Amersfoort, located at the historic Vehicle Workshop.
The day started with an update on the developments within RiskChallenger. It was proudly shared that the ISO9001 (quality assurance) and ISO27001 (information security) certifications were achieved this year. In addition, the organizational structure has changed, which improves the speed and dynamism of the company. Another highlight was the exclusive preview of the new RiskChallenger Resilience software. Finally, the first golden partnership between BR1GHT and RiskChallenger was announced, an important milestone.
Inspiring presentations
After the opening session, Herman van de Kaa took the stage to share his insights on “Building risk awareness in immature organizations”. Among other things, he spoke about the features of an effective roll holder and what makes this roll holder successful. Herman emphasized that each member of the project team makes a valuable contribution to the risk management process. It is therefore crucial to further develop the organization and to shape risk management in an interactive and efficient way.
In addition, Herman shared practical tips for facilitating valuable conversations and preparing high-quality risk files. He explained how these files should not only be theoretically useful, but also actually useful for the entire team.

After the networking dinner, Orly Polak gave an inspiring presentation on the topic “Risk awareness: what are we talking about?”. She explained the psychological side of risk awareness and why managing risks is often done unconsciously. On the one hand, we ignore risks because it's more convenient at that time. On the other hand, we avoid risks simply because everyone does, without knowing why. Her message was clear: consciously thinking about risks and acting accordingly is not an automatic response, but requires a conscious, active choice. You have to trigger this awareness yourself - it doesn't come naturally.

A successful conclusion
The day ended with a drink, where participants had the opportunity to network. The fourth edition of the RiskChallenger Experience Day was widely appreciated thanks to the inspiring speakers and the enthusiasm of the participants.
Thank you to all participants and speakers for their valuable contributions. We are looking forward to the next edition!
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