Bij RiskChallenger geloven we dat goede communicatie cruciaal is voor effectief risicomanagement. Risicoloze systemen bestaan niet; organisaties moeten vaak opereren onder druk, met beperkte en soms conflicterende doelen. Hier lees je 4 tips om jouw organisatie meer weerbaar, ofwel "Resilient" te maken.
Lack of communication and cooperation between client and contractor can cause crucial information and insights to be lost which worsens risk management. A communicative risk management process allows risks to be shared and expectations clarified, preventing potential conflicts.
Op donderdag 28 november 2024 vond de vierde editie van de RiskChallenger Experience Day plaats. Deze editie stond het evenement in het teken van Risicoleiderschap, Bewustwording en Cultuur. Het Centraal Ketelhuis in Amersfoort, gelegen op de historische Wagenwerkplaats, vormde het sfeervolle decor voor deze inspirerende avond. Ruim 40 deelnemers van verschillende organisaties kwamen samen om kennis te delen, inspiratie op te doen en waardevolle verbindingen te leggen.
Since 2023, RiskChallenger has been an officially recognised learning company. As a learning company, we collaborate with educational institutions to provide students with career and learning opportunities. This ensures that students who join RiskChallenger gain valuable skills for their future careers.
RiskChallenger is celebrating its five-year anniversary of being independent this year. Time to professionalize and look beyond.
Last weekend, a new release of the RiskChallenger app came online, with an all-new brainstorming feature. Several new features have been added in this update, which you can take advantage of from now on!
"It helps you on your way, it can be accessed anywhere, even on location, with a laptop, tablet or phone you can access it. And with risk management, it's kind of nice to have such a tool; so that you can just do risk management on the project as well."
RiskChallenger is pleased to announce our new certification program! As we strive to improve communicative risk management, we have introduced a comprehensive certification program.
Companies and organisations use numerous strategies and methods to define their own risk management approach and processes. There is, however, an essential requirement which is required in order to carry out risk management in all organisations: A plan!
A lot of organizations think risk management is a must-do. How can you make Risk Management easily your day-to-day business and how does that help your organization within decision making? Joris from RiskChallenger discusses this topic and some useful tips for you.
International standards, such as those set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), are crucial for your company’s basics in risk management. In this blog post, we will examine the significance of international standards for risk management and explore why they are such a great necessity for your company.
On Thursday, November 16, 2023, we organized the third edition of the RiskChallenger Experience Day. This time around, the theme was Safety & Security. Over 40 participants from different organizations gathered at Leerhotel het Klooster in Amersfoort.