Aveco de Bondt
"It helps you on your way, it can be accessed anywhere, even on location, with a laptop, tablet or phone you can access it. And with risk management, it's kind of nice to have such a tool; so that you can just do risk management on the project as well."
Aveco de Bondt is a consultancy and engineering firm in the fields of Infrastructure and Space, Construction and Sustainability and Water and Climate. Aveco de Bondt works among others for water boards, provinces, the State but also for contractors and building developers of VolkerWessels. Since April 2023, Leon Lankhorst has been team leader Project Control, Contract Management and Tender Management. Within his team, they mainly deal with risk management, systems engineering, planning management and tender management.
What prompted you to start working with RiskChallenger?
That was four years ago now, Leon explains. Despite not joining Aveco de Bondt until later, he has some idea why that choice was made.
Leon: "I think it was just a no-brainer; because it just facilitates how we see and want to do risk management. The tool is just very helpful in that."
Leon explains that it started at the Water and Climate business line. To make a professionalization move within risk management, especially also for tenders, they chose to work with a tool.
Leon: "With a tool, in this case RiskChallenger, you also score better for your client. You come across as more serious and professional."
In addition, Aveco de Bondt is now the first RiskChallenger Certified company, which also helps a lot in this professionalization.
Leon: "This way you indicate that we are another step further in communicative risk management and how this is applied to projects, and I think we can just be very proud of that with this certificate."
What does Aveco de Bondt use RiskChallenger's software for?
RiskChallenger's software is mainly deployed from project management in all branches of sport Aveco de Bondt does. Leon says it is a nice low-threshold way to make risk management discussable.
Leon: "If you want to facilitate something in terms of process and you can use a tool for that, it makes it easier for the imagination. It helps you on your way, it can be accessed anywhere, even on location, with a laptop, tablet or phone you can access it. And with risk management, it's kind of nice to have such a tool; so that you can just do risk management on the project as well."
Besides the fact that RiskChallenger's tool is low-threshold, and the brainstorming feature is easy and accessible, Leon likes the visualization via a map.
Leon: "We are currently working on a project where we are dealing with a Natura 2000 area, among other things. Via the map, we can easily see exactly how it is, which makes it easier to talk. Moreover, it also makes risk management a bit more fun, it then starts to capture the imagination more and is then not just dry and boring."
How did you experience the first use with RiskChallenger?
Leon explains that partly thanks to his background in risk management, the tool was easy to use.
Leon: "I went in blind. I did get some explanation from a colleague, but once I found a moment when I had the time, I started exploring the tool myself. I was surprised at how quickly I actually mastered it, how easily you navigate. Of course, you do have a bit of the tips and tricks, you have to figure that out for yourself, but that's also nice."
Furthermore, Leon is satisfied with the easy use of RiskChallenger how he now knows the tool.
Leon: "The data is also very easy to export and import into other tools. Dashboarding and report creation is just smooth and you have instant insight into what the expected values are for time and money, which is always very important anyway."
Has using RiskChallenger saved you anything?
Leon: "I find that with project management it is difficult to indicate that in terms of hours or costs."
Leon does say that thanks to the many risk files they have created in recent years, they have been able to build up a large database, which improves efficiency when setting up new risk files.
Leon: "You can quickly search for risk files or projects that are similar. Then you can find good risks and good measures more quickly, which means you can also use such a risk file qualitatively more quickly. In this way, you also structure a risk session differently. So that's accelerating anyway I think; that's more efficient anyway."
In addition, now that Aveco de Bondt are RiskChallenger Certified, they will receive updated training on RiskChallenger and risk management per se.
Leon: "This allows us to then update our team again to know all the ins and outs, but of course RiskChallenger also continues to develop so new features come in every so often, we just have to be aware of that too."
This is how Aveco de Bondt grows with the tool and with riskmanagement.
Leon: "In this way, our clients are also satisfied again with the level of risk management we facilitate."
How do you experience RiskChallenger's service and support?
Leon is very satisfied with the support RiskChallenger offers.
Leon: "On the website, you can easily chat and get an answer right away. Or contact Diederik and Harry, which is very easy and they can be reached quickly."
So Leon gives that service a 9.
Leon: "How quickly it is responded to and how quickly problems are solved. And as for the tool, it's a big 8, with room for further development, of course. We also have the possibility to indicate those points, and the risk management process is also changing. It's just nice that you guys are on top of that."
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